venerdì 12 dicembre 2008


A= a like angus young the guitarist of AC/DC
B= b like baseball
C= c like the Clash
D= d like the Deep Purple
E= e like Eagles
F= f like Freddy Mercury the singer of the Queen
G= g like guitar
H= h like "Hell ain't a bad place to be"
I= i like "I don't wanna to grow up"
J= j like Joey Ramones
K= k like "the KKK took my baby away"
L= l like the Led Zeppelin
M= m like Motorhead
N= n like noise
O= o like Ozzy Osbourne
P= p like "Poison Heart"
Q= q like the Queen
R= r like Riff Raff
S= s like "stairway to heaven"
T= t like Thunderstruck
U= u like UV ray
V= v like vortex
W= w like the Who
X= x like extreme
Y= y like young
Z= z like Zed

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